domenica 22 marzo 2015

Isis militants, here is 100 US soldiers to kill Pentagon Web published the names, photos and addresses

Isis new threat against America. In a post on the web is an appeal "to all the brothers residing in the US," or militants aspiring jihadists, 'cause killing 100 American servicemen who participated in the struggle against the Islamic state. One hundred persons mentioned one by one with your name, publishing the pictures and the presumed address. In short, a real 'black list' revealed by the Pentagon and the FBI, who confirmed the news reported originally by the New York Times. And the investigation must first ascertain whether the 'blacklist' published by the so-called 'Hacking Division' Isis is the result of information 'stolen' to the server of the Department of Defense or the painstaking work of collecting data on the web, especially on social average. The authors of the post course credit the first version: "With this huge amount of data that we got from different servers and databases we decided to indicate 100 addresses, so 'tjavascript:void(0);hat our brothers in America can act." And again: "Now and 'everything easy, you just have to make the final step, what are you waiting?". Chilling words, throwing in terror at least a hundred American families. And that demonstrate how powerful the weapon of propaganda used by men of the Caliph al Baghdadi. An initial examination of the 'blacklist' Isis, and the list 'was made with the names of soldiers that appear in all the articles that speak and have spoken of the air raids of the US in Iraq and Syria. Other names seem to have been collected by the Department of Defense report on the campaign against the Isis. But the list also includes military personnel or other people with the raid against jiahdisti have nothing to do. Also appear in the list the names and fotos of women whose faces are but 'were overshadowed. The investigations are therefore concentrating mainly on addresses published, to see if in fact correspond to the real residences of the military identified as a goal.

venerdì 20 marzo 2015

Yemen, double attack against Shiite mosques: 120 dead - Attacks on two mosques, killing at least 127 victims Sanaa

Il bilancio delle vittime in attentati suicidi dello Yemen su due moschee nella capitale Sanaa il Venerdì è salito a 126, una fonte medica ha detto a Reuters. Stato islamico, un ramo di al Qaeda che ha sequestrato grandi aree di Iraq e Siria, ha rivendicato la responsabilità per le esplosioni nelle moschee, che sono utilizzati principalmente dai sostenitori del gruppo sciita Houthi, che ha preso il controllo della
Yemen, double attack against Shiite mosques: 120 dead

According to sources of the local authorities, the number of victims has reached at least 120 and about 300 injured after two attacks against Shiite mosques of Badr and Hashoush, in the central area of the Yemeni capital. The attacks were launched during the ...

#Tyrannybook Sezione Italia: #Yemen, double attack against Shiite mosques: 120 dead - Attacks on two mosques, killing at least 120 victims #Sanaa

Amnesty International, #isis, tyranny

Attacks on two mosques, killing at least 120 victims Sanaa, hundreds ...

The attacks of a group of suicide bombers in the center of Sanaa (Yemen), unleashed during Friday prayers against mosques of al-Badr and al-Hashahush, have caused carnage. Sale by the minute and rocketed the death toll ...

Attacks in Yemen, 120 dead

BEIRUT - bomb attacks have been made today in two mosques of Sanaa, apparently by two suicide bombers who blew themselves up in the air. The pan-Arab Al Jazeera television reported. According to a correspondent in the Yemeni capital the dead ...

Yemen, suicide bombings in two mosques: there are victims

The Huthi, as the regular armed forces, are being targeted in attacks and bombings by al Qaeda in Yemen, which the US considers the most dangerous branch of the terrorist network on a global level. FIGHTING TO ADEN. The double attack was ...

Kamikaze in two Shiite mosques in Yemen: dozens of victims

Today in Sana'a, Yemen's capital, were perpetrated two terrorist attacks. Two suicide bombers blew themselves up in mosques, Al-Badr and al-Hashoosh during the midday prayer. E 'was made public that the explosions were killed ...

Yemen, killing two Shiite mosques

Sale by the minute and rocketed the death toll of the attacks on two mosques in Yemen. According to sources quoted by local authorities corresponding CNN the death toll has reached at least 120. Some 300 wounded. According To ...

Yemen, more than 120 victims

Two mosques in Sanaa, Yemen, were today goal of many bombings. Three suicide bombers who have blown themselves up during Friday prayers. According to hospital sources the dead would be over 120 and wounded three hundred, some of ...

More than 120 people died in attacks on two mosques in the capital ...

Bomb attacks were made on Friday morning in two mosques in the center of the Yemeni capital Sanaa. The suicide bombers (seems to be four) have blown up the day of prayer. A correspondent of Al Jazeera speaks to dozens of deaths ...

Yemen, kamikaze against Shiite mosques: more than 100 dead. It is offensive ...

SANA'A - Two mosques in central Sana'a, Yemen's capital under the control of the Shiite Houthi movement, were attacked by suicide bombers who blew themselves up during Friday prayers. The sources said with safety standards ..